Monday, August 29, 2016


1. *Respect 3 People*
*. Teacher
*. Parents
*. Elderly
2. *Keep 3 things in you*
*. Honesty
*. Faith
*. Good Deeds
3. *Free yourself from 3 things*
*. Arrogance
*. Cheating
*. Debt
4. *Have control on 3 things*
*. Tongue
*. Anger
*. Soul (Self)
5. *Save yourself from 3 things*
*. Bad deeds
*. Backbiting
*. Jealousy
6. *Obtain 3 things*
*. Knowledge
*. Manners
*. Piousness/ Godliness
7. *Keep 3 things pure*
*. Body
*. Clothes
*. Thoughts
8. *Remember 3 things*
*. Death
*. Favour
*. Advice
May The Almighty God continue to guide us and accept us *Amen*. Good morning and have a great new week.

Sunday, August 28, 2016


If a believer goes to church and hears God's word all the time, and still there's someone he cannot forgive, or still continue in sin, such a believer has sermon proof, and will end up in hell.
Thus, as you go to church today, let the word of God penitrate into your heart, so that it can cause a transformation in your life that will give you victory and make you heaven bound in Jesus name.
Now, if you know that you are a citizen of heaven and you are not ashamed to show it, can you join us to honour God with an overcoming Amen here. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Dearly beloved children of God, Proverbs 4:23 says, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
Sure, what the word of God calls HEART here is not the organ that pumps blood in the body, but it is your MIND, your thoughts or your thinking faculty. Yes, that's what God wants you to protect.
This is because whatever you want to do, or whatever you'll be depends on the THOUGHTS which comes from your mind, thus, there's need for you to protect your heart or your mind from demonic thoughts and suggestions from those who don't know God, because their evil thoughts will do much harm.
Therefore, the way you can protect your heart is to let the word of God dwell in you at all times, for it is only when your thought is based on the word of God, that your desired results could be produced.
Now, may the word of God dwell richly in your heart from today, so that you'll be able to possess your possessions in Jesus name. So, if you know that your heart belong to Jesus, let's jointly honour him with an overcoming Amen here. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


The devil will surely visit every home and cause problems. However, what break-ups a home, marriage or church is not the devil, but ignorance, hardness of heart and unforgiveness.
Yes, only those who know JESUS and are SAVED will be able to forgive. May God help us to know Jesus for him to give us a forgiving Spirit, so that our homes will not be destroyed in Jesus name. Blessed are those who hear this and change for the better.
Now, if you know Jesus, let's jointly honour him with an overcoming Amen here. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Friday, August 19, 2016


African simply looked up at the American and
shouted, "Thank you!" That infuriated the man. So once again, the American took out his wallet and shouted, "Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for that African sitting in the corner over there!" So the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to
everyone in the bar except the African.
When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, once again, instead of becoming angry, the African simply smiled at the American man and shouted, "Thank you!"
That made the American man furious. So he leaned over on the counter and said to the
waiter, "What is wrong with that African man? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except him, but instead of becoming angry, he just sits there and smiles at me and shouts 'Thank you.' Is he
The waiter smiled at the American and said, "No, he is not mad. He is the owner of this
May your enemies work unknowingly in your favour.
💬 Stay away from Anger..It hurts ..Only You!
💬 If you are right then there is no need to get angry,
💬 And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry.
💬 Patience with family is love,
💬 Patience with others is respect.
💬 Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith.
💬 Never Think Hard about thePAST, It brings Tears...
💬 Don't think more about the FUTURE, It brings Fear...
💬 Live this Moment with a Smile,It brings Cheer.
💬Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
💬 Every problem comes to make us or break us,
💬 The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.
💬 Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful
💬 Do you know why God created gaps between fingers?
💬 So that someone who is special to you comes and fills those gaps by holding your hand forever.
💬 Happiness keeps You Sweet..But being sweet brings happiness.
Do Share it with all the Good People In ur Life that you love so dearly. Remain blessed


Posted on August 18, 2016 by Trendingpraise — Leave a comment
1. Wedding is a day but marriage is a lifetime .
2. A stingy man who is single will still be stingy when married.
3. Silence can never be misquoted.
4. If you want what no one has had, you must do what no one has done.
5. When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life. When Satan wants to destroy you, he         puts a person in your life.
6. It is better to be single and alone than to be married to the wrong person.
7. Avoid a contentious woman.
8. 3 men to avoid:
    a. A hot tempered man.
    b. A womanizer.
    c. A drunkard.
9. Marrying a comedian does not guarantee a happy marriage.
10. Never be yoked to anyone who will not be yoked to Christ.
11. 3 words that echo peace in a marriage:
      a. I love you .
      b. I am sorry .
      c. Thank you.
12. Don’t waste your time meditating or dwelling on your singleness.
13. Cohabitation is a recipe for marital failure .
14. Deal with anti marriage dreams.
15. Masturbation is destruction.
16. Marriage without friendship is like a sky without the sun.
17. If you rush into marriage, you may end up with someone who will bury your destiny.
18. A successful marriage is always a triangle : God, A man and a woman.
19. Why you marry is as important as who you marry.
20. Much happiness in life depends on your marital choice.
21. A man needs divine wisdom from God in choosing who to marry.
22. Do not place your priority on good looks ; no woman is ugly, she just needs rebranding.
23. 3 major characteristics to look for in a woman :
      a. Fear of God.
      b. Wisdom.
      c. Discretion (beauty is vanity ).
24. The best way to enslave a woman is to show her love excessively – as a rule, women don’t run away       from where they’re pampered.
25. Love is not blind ; infatuation and lust are blind.
26. Love puts God first, lust puts sex first.
27. Test every love with your peace of mind, if it is absent, God is not there.
28. If you are a true friend, you will attract true friends.
29. Caring hearts never lack caring hands.
30. Desperation leads to frustration.
31. Bad marriages can be avoided before they begin.
32. Keep your self pure and your bed undefiled.
33. It is spiritual insanity to plan to convert someone so you can marry the person.
34. Wage war against the devil that fought your parents’ marriage.
35. Marriage is a covenant, always look before you leap.
36. It is better to be single and believing God to be married than to be married and believing in God to         be single.
37. A broken courtship is better than a failed marriage.
38. Do not marry money or property, marry a person.
39. Be presentable.
Written by: Dr. Daniel K. Olukoya

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Shobayo Olumuyiwa Wrote:

Last month my neighbour went to complain to her

*Daughter:* Mom, I can not stand my husband. I want to kill him but I don't have the courage to do it, Can you help me?please!

*Mother:* Yes my daughter, I can. But there is a small problem . You will be forced to make peace with him first so that none will suspect you for his death. You are going to be so much good and kind to him, take care of him.

Be romantic, grateful, patient, loving, submissive to him. See him as your kid not your mate or subject... be less selfish, more just, more listening to him, take all the rubbish from him, don't nag or criticize him.

My daughter, I know you can do it, so don't doubt yourself. Work starts this evening. Can you ?

*Daughter:*  Yes mom.

*Mother:* Ok, it's .... Well take this white powder which is the substance to kill him. Every day, you'll pour a bit in his food and he will die slowly.

*After 30 days, daughter returned to give feedback to her mother.*

*Daughter:* Mom, I really no longer want to kill my husband again. He is soo romantic, loving and caring person. Now I like him, he's changed and became softer than before. What can I do to prevent the poison?

*Mother:* Hahahahahaha

*Daughter:* Why are you laughing? Is it too late to save my husband's life?

*Mother:* No, my dear!. You don't have to worry. What I gave to you was cassava flour. He will not die.

In reality, it is in you that the poison was. When you fuel hatred and resentment in you, it kills slowly even more than a poison, so I have to work on you instead of your husband.

*Daughter:* Hmmmmmm. Thank you, sweetest mum.

*✍ T I P S*
☛Make yourself Happy and *make others around you happy.*

☛When you start to love and cherish your
husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter,
mother and father, *you will see the sweetness in them.*

☛Don't wait for the person to be sick or die before you accept, *cherish and celebrate people around you.*

☛Before you complain, *check up if the problem is actually from you*

☛Live *peacefully* with everyone.
🌻 *Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.*
         Matthew  7:12

🌻 *If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.*
         Romans  12:18 

🌻 *Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:*
         Hebrews  12:14
It is in our power to bring out the best in our spouse and those close to us by giving them our best

Pls share..................

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Have you ever been in a house where NEPA takes light? Sure, I have been in Port Harcourt several times when suddenly and without notice, NEPA will just take light, and there will be total darkness all over the place. During such times of darkness, if people in a room try to move, they may either bump themselves against each other, or hit their feet against a chair or an object and get hurt. But if somebody brings in a candle or any source of light, everybody in the room will then rejoice because they will see each other and know where to put their feet when they move, and no one will get hurt again.
Similarly, many people run into problems, argument and confusion, and even get hurt because, just like those walking in darkness, they do not see where they are going.
But you who have received the Lord Jesus Christ, God has put a thing in you that is very unique, that is why when a child of God comes into a place where there are problems, argument and confusion, they begin to maintain peace and order, because, just as a light that shines in darkness, the love of Christ and the wisdom of God in them through the power of the Holy Spirit will begin to guide those people and put things right for them.
That is why Jesus says in Matthew 5:14-16, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
Yes, this is what you were called to do, especially you who are striving to do God’s will. Continue to let your light shine as you show good examples to people. If you get to a place where there is misunderstanding, quarrelling, fighting and confusion, you are not expected to hide, but to let your light shine, because you are the light to all of them. In your family, neighborhood, Church, school, even your workplace, Jesus expects you to let your light shine, and things will turn around for good just because you are there.
May God empower and energize you to be able to let your light shine in Jesus name. You are so much blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I was raped at the age of 9 yet am one of the most influential women in the world" - *Oprah Winfrey!*

"I didn't even complete my university education but became the world richest man" - *Bill Gates!*

"I was sexually, mentally, emotionally and verbally abused by my father as far back as I can remember until I left home at the age of eighteen yet I am one of the most influential preachers in d world" - *Joyce Meyer!*

"I struggled academically throughout elementary school yet became d best Neurosurgeons in d world in 1987" - *Dr. Ben Carson!*

"I told my father we would be very wealthy and rich but he couldn't believe me but today it's a reality" - *Christiano Ronaldo!*

"I used to serve tea at a shop to support my football training and still became d world best footballer" - *Lionel Messi!*

"I used to sleep on the floor in friends' rooms, returning Coke bottles for food, money, and getting weekly free meals at a local temple yet founded apple" - *Steve Jobs!*

"My teachers used to call me a failure yet I became a Prime Minister" - *PM Tony Blair!*

"I started Living Faith Church from A Lawn Tennis Court with three members only & Preach prosperity. Many of my friends criticised me, but today we have d largest church auditorium in d world & two world-class universities"- *Bishop David Oyedepo!*

"I was in prison for 27 years and still became president."- *Nelson Mandela!*

"I drove taxi to finance my university education but today I'm a billionaire" - *Mike Adenuga!*

_*Failures or limitations of the past have no control over the greatness in you. To him that believes, all things are possible.*_
Don't wait for everybody to believe in your ability and dreams...
Never design your life like a Garden where
anyone can walk in and out......
Design it like the Sky where everyone aspires to
Aim high! Reach high!!!
Its your turn to be blessed.
Have a victorious day.


Are you married or preparing to get married? You REALLY Do Need To Read This!


Mummy’s boy, you are now a man. Tomorrow you will have a new mother, a new cook and a new person to share all your secrets with. It will no longer be me but her. Love your new mum even more than you love me. Before you walk into her arms forever, let me give you some words to guide you.

There was a day I was arguing with your father. We were screaming, tempers were high. I was angry and he was angry. Then I called him an idiot! He was shocked. He looked at me asking how dare I call him that? Immediately,I started calling him idiot, fool, stupid, crazy, I called him all sorts of names. Guess what he did? He didn’t raise his hands to hit me. He just walked away, banging the door as he went out.

My Son, if your father had hit me and damaged my face, how would you feel sitting here with me today? How would you regard him as your father? Would you have been proud of him or would you be blaming me for calling him names? Never hit your wife! No matter the provocation; just walk away and things will be normal. Whenever she offends you, think of this story I just told you, it could have been your mum!

Before I forget, after he left, I was filled with guilt. We slept on same bed that night and I went to him the next day. I pleaded with him, I did all I could to show am sorry and he forgave me. That day I cooked his favourite food, yes you know he loves pounded yam and Vegetable soup right? After that day, I never called him names, my respect for him was ten times stronger.

There is something very important you must always do, my son listen very carefully, defend your wife. When she is under pressure, stand by her. If your friends hate her, it is your duty to make them see her as a Queen. Your uncle, I mean Uncle Samuel, never liked me. But your father was always supportive until his perception changed and he continued to support me.

There was a day your father was going to host his boss and friends. They were three. That day I was in the kitchen cooking for them and your father went to buy drinks. When the table was set and food was served, everyone started eating. Then I remembered I did not add salt in the food. I was embarrassed.

Your father tasted the food and looked at me. He immediately turned to the guests. He told them that he instructed his wife last month not to add salt whenever she is cooking because of some problem with his body. He said it in a funny way and everyone laughed! The guests understood and he asked me to bring salt and everyone added according to their taste. He managed to eat the food without salt. After the guests left, he went on his knees and asked God to forgive him for lying.

Your wife is like a baby, sometimes she doesn’t know what to say or do. Stand up and speak for her!

Now let me talk to you about sex. You see, sex is a wonderful thing. Do not be surprised if your wife enjoys and needs sex more than you do. There were days, I needed sex more than your father did and there were days he needed it more than I did but the important thing is to always try to satisfy the other when they need arises. Don’t always think of yourself.

There was a time things were hard and I needed to do two jobs to support your father. One night, I was so tired. When I got to bed he was in the mood. He tried to make love to me and I didn’t refuse him. I was tired but I felt I needed to be there when he needs me. When he tried undressing me, he saw my look and he stopped. He asked what was wrong and I said nothing. But he understands me better. He stopped and then started telling me stories until I fell asleep.

My son, sex is best enjoyed when the two parties are physically and mentally ready for it. Sometimes, read your wife and understand her.

Make it a habit to go everywhere with your wife. Beside your job, move around with her. If anyone invites you to his house and tells you not to come with your wife then be very careful. Use wisdom.
I know you love mummy… I know you tell me all your problems. But now things will be different.

Let your wife be the first to know before me. Let her be the first to see before me.

When you have problems with her don’t run to me immediately. Wait for a day or two days to pass and then talk to her about it. Pray about it. Report her to nobody but talk issues out within yourself.

Finally, don’t forget to come and visit me with your wife every month!
I know you will have a happy home. You will always be mummy’s boy. God will bless your home. Pls don't forget God, pray and seek His assistance always....
