Saturday, January 7, 2017


Who is actually causing the problems in the world today? Is it those who are preaching peace by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or those who are cutting off people's heads, and when would all presidents of the various countries know how to solve the real problem that everyone everywhere is now facing? 

Jesus said in Matthew 5:43-48, Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Now, if all presidents will allow these kinds of teaching to spread in their various countries, and also find a way to enforce them so that people could put them in practice, why would there not be peace among the people? But all that the presidents are doing is to sit down and institute laws that will limit Christians who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that brings peace, and give more power to those who cut people's heads.

May God help our presidents and leaders to know the right thing to do, so that they'll also known how to solve the ongoing world problems affecting everyone in Jesus name. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.


 The reason why there are too much problems, shootings and killings all over the world is because many people has BLUNTLY REFUSED to accept JESUS as LORD and SAVIOUR so that they could do what he says.

Yes, it is not that they don't know that the Gospel of Jesus is what brings peace, but they just chooses to ignore him. That is why Jesus said in John 3:19, And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

Certainly, if any country or nation wants a lasting peace, then they should not oppress the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead, they should allow the Gospel to spread to everywhere in the country, so that people could learn how to do what Jesus says, and that is how the peace they're looking for will come.
I hope all presidents will come to know this truth, and may God help us in Jesus name. More grace. Blessed is the nation whose God is JEHOVAH !!!

Thursday, January 5, 2017


1) A guy asked u for sex and u asked, "Do u Love me?". What do u expect him to say or Are U a LEARNER ?
2) Half naked girls are hot, while well dressed girls are beautiful...Hell is hot, while heaven is beautiful...the choice is yours.
3) You have been engaged to him for 2 years and no wedding is forth coming. Please kindly remove the ring. Is your finger a key holder?
4)You have slept with over 10 girls without protection yet you go to the barbers shop with your personal clipper. What are you preventing???
5) Guys always know who their heart belongs to, so if you like cook chicken in diamond sauce or do monkey style in bed, if its not you, It can't be you.
6) In America wen a couple go to bed dey say "Good nights my love" In Britain "Sweet dreams darling" In Nigeria "Did u lock d Gate, doors & windows?
7) You cannot say "I can't date you, I have a boyfriend" and be asking for money from him. GT-bank staff cannot receive salary from UBA bank!
8) My name Anita, I used my friend to set up my boyfriend to c if he'll cheat on me. Now they've sent me wedding Invitation. What AM I? (A) Learner (B) God sent (C) Fool
9) No Guy will ever tell a Lady "i have a Girlfriend when asking her out. Their National Anthem is "we had issues & we've broken up".
10) Welcome to Nigeria where the government is responsible and blamed for every damn things. if mosquito bite you, you will blame the government.
11) No guy is single, you either snatch him from someone or share him with someone, the most important thing is to be the highest Shareholder.
12) 35yr old first class graduate without job and u dey follow Lil'Wayne sing 'I Ain't Got no worries' ... your life is on SOS.
13) Idiot girl said: "I dated him for GOOD 10 years and he broke my heart" fool, what's GOOD in the years?
14). Sex won't make him love u. A baby won't make him stay. If you're doubting me, kindly ask TUFACE...
15) No matter how nice you are to a goat, it will still eat your yam.
16) You make his 'Dick' hard, u carry him enter room, he don off shirt, then u shout April Fool... My sister, he will RAPE ur Destiny!!
17) What shall it profit a girl to have all the Brazilian hair in the whole world and still lose her boyfriend to a girl on low cut
18) Kill an American citizen and 1
million policemen will be deployed to search for u but kill 1 million Nigerians U will be invited for amnesty
19) Don't act like you have it all, even rich men beg for pen in the bank.
20) No matter how big ur house is, How recent your car is,or how huge ur bank account is, Our grave is still gonna be the same size, stay humble.
21) No Matter How Pretty Or Cute your Face Might Be, you Will Still Be the Food For Worms....Set your Arrogance Aside and Remember 6 Feet. No one lives for Ever.
22) I woke up today, someone somewhere just took their last breath am about sleeping someone somewhere is crying.. Always thank the lord no matter the situation .....pls  send to friends.
Pls say after me with faith,
I shall not beg to eat.
I shall not be ashamed.
I shall not be cursed.
I shall not cry over loved ones.
I shall not be mocked.
I shall not be a victim of hired killers.
I shall not be a victim of accidents.
I shall not be sorrowful.
BUT, I shall be great.
I shall be fruitful
I shall be victorious.
I shall be celebrated.
I shall be successful.
I shall be favoured.
I shall be blessed in abundance.
I shall be prosperous.
I shall have joy unspeakable.
I shall have peace beyond limits.
I shall make it.
I shall testify.
I shall be lifted high beyond falling.
I shall excel in all that i do.
I shall be called Wonderful.
Where the road is thirsty of flesh and blood, my family n i  with my beloved ones will not go there.
The evils that will happen will not know my dwelling place. Death messengers will not know my address. The miracles in the year shall locate my household.
My heart desires will not be cut-short. I will not cry because of you.
I pray for you, in the remaining months of  this year,Your PICTURE WILL NOT BE USED FOR R.I.P.
Send this to the 24 most important people in your life, and send it to me if I'm included.

Boko Haram Strikes Again

Boko haram members entered a church while the service was going on. They ask the ushers to close every door and window so that nobody can escape. They counted the numbers of worshippers and they were 150.They told them they would kill 100 out or these 150 members but in alphabetical order of names, starting with the pastor. They approached the senior pastor asking "What is your name?" The pastor said Zechariah zwingina, the next pastor said Zebedee zaccheus, the third pastor said Zemmaunel Zwilliams. They approached the elders the first one said Zarepath Zolomon, the next one said Zalade zomorin, the next one said Zetunji zolusegun zesther zimilehin. They approached the choir and the first chorister out of fear pointed to the organist and said his name is Abraham Ahmadu .. The organist screamed"He is a liar" My name is Zebraham Zahmadu",,,,
If you are in the congregation what will be your name??


In the Bible, Jesus broke some Natural Laws.
* He first broke the law of biology by coming to this world through a virgin. No man met his mother. If you ask a doctor they will tell you it is impossible.
* He broke the law of chemistry by turning water to wine.
* He broke the law of physics ,by walking on sea. 

* He broke the law of economics, as He fed 5,000 people with just 5 loafs and 2 fishes.
* He broke the law of government, He ruled without any election conducted.
* He also disagreed to mathematics which say 1+1+1 = 3 instead he said 1+1+1 = 1 (The Trinity).
* He broke the law of nature, he died and came back alive.

NOW to every hand that Type AMEN, this season God almighty will break all natural protocols for your sake, and every devilish devises against your life. He will never forsake you In Jesus name, AMEN!!!.