Sunday, September 30, 2012


Are all believers actually doing what they suppose to do? Jesus did not tell the world, "Go ye into all the Churches to hear the Gospel, but he said to the Church, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature," Mark 16:15.
Thus, as you worship God today in your various churches, don't only ask for his blessings, but ask for the power to witness. Then begin to share God's love and the message of salvation with people today. Even the ignorant ones that always say they don't need these Godly messages, continue to let them know that Jesus loves them, because Jesus said that what brings joy in heaven is only when one wretched sinner is saved.
Therefore, as you are expecting to receive God's blessings today, understand that Jesus is also expecting you to reach out to people. Obey him today, and he will certainly bless you.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

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