Monday, December 30, 2013


" Santa's Christmas Prayer "    Alda Monteschio
On Christmas Eve the other night I saw the most amazing sight, <* for there beneath the Christmas tree was Santa kneeling on his knee.
His countenance was different than that all-familiar, jolly grin; his head was bowed, with hand to breast, and slightly tucked into his vest.
For there in a nativity was Jesus and His family, and as I heard him start to pray I listened close to what he'd say.
"Lord, You know that You're the reason
I take pleasure in this season.
I don't want to take Your place,
but just reflect Your wondrous grace.
I hope You'll help them understand
I'm just an ordinary man,
who found a way to do Your will
by finding kids with needs to fill.
But all those centuries ago, there was no way for me to know that they would make so much of me, and all the gifts beneath the tree.
They think I have some hidden power granted at the midnight hour, but it is my love for You inspiring the things I do.
And so when they begin to open gifts
for which they have been hoping,
may they give You all the glory,

for You're the One True Christmas Story."

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


It is very amazing to see how God uses everything possible, including the government and unbelievers to fulfill his very own purpose in the lives of his children. Thus, a careful look at the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ proves that all things work together for good to them that love God, as in Romans 8:28.

About 700 years before the birth of Jesus, God made the promise and the prophecy was given in Isaiah 7:14, "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." And Isaiah 9:6 says, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." 

Also, the Lord was very specific concerning the place where the birth will take place, as seen in Micah 5:2, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting."

When it was time for this prophecy to be fulfilled, Luke 1:26-33 says, "And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."

Now, from these accounts, according to prophecy, Jesus was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea. But at the time of fulfillment, Joseph and Mary, his parents were already established in Nazareth of Galilee. So, how was it going to be humanly possible for this thing to happen as prophesied, and who on earth would have been able to convince Mary and Joseph to leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem so that Jesus could be born in Bethlehem? This was only possible through God's divine plan.

Thus, in order to make this possible, God had to make the whole nation, the Roman Empire suffer what we know today as the great depression, a situation where the economy became very bad. And in an effort to solve this problem, the ruler, Caesar Augustus has to issue a decree for national census which will require everybody to go to their respective home town to be registered as recorded in Luke 2:1-7, “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”

Do you see how God works in every situation to bring to pass all his purpose in the life of Jesus. Therefore, when you see things going in the direction you did not expect, and the government or the president begin to issue laws or decrees that seems unbearable, understand that God is working through them to bring to pass his very own purpose in your life and in the lives of his children.

May God help us to understand his ways and be able to follow his directions as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour during this Christmas and onward in Jesus name. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I am sending out this message because I've just discovered that most people are working hard towards entering God's kingdom, but they don't actually know God's will that will enable them to enter in. So, if the kingdom of God that Jesus is preparing is the one you want to enter, then pay particular attention to this test.
For couples, it is okay if problem happens in your marriage, but if you and your spouse quarrel or have any problem, and both of you could not resolve it, and you allow it to escalate to the extent that it results to DIVORCE, you have just failed the FORGIVENESS TEST.

Jesus said in Luke 17:3-4, "Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him."

So tell me, no matter what happened, if you cannot forgive your own spouse to the extent that both of you break away or divorce or whatever you may call it, who else on earth do you want to forgive?
Please, understand that Jesus says, in Matthew 5:32, "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery."

I know that this is a hard saying, but God is a God of second chance and he wants you to pass this test so that you may qualify to enter into his kingdom and be with Jesus, and no matter how long you've been in that situation, the Lord Jesus Christ is able to fix it for you.

If you have any question concerning this issue, feel free to contact me any time, and the Holy Spirit of God will give you answers that will keep you in God's will. You shall not miss God's kingdom in Jesus name.

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Friday, October 4, 2013


Many people have said to me: Pastor, I've prayed, prayed and prayed and nothing is happening, what exactly is going on?
Here's the deal. If you say you love Jesus, and all you are doing every time is asking, "God, give me this or that," I think it's time for you change your attitude.
Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33, "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven."
You see now? Thus, if you want to get God's attention, you better start to talk about Jesus to People today, because the more you talk about Jesus to people, the more Jesus will talk about you to God our Father in heaven and before all the angels. And if Jesus is talking about you, do you think he doesn't know about your problem? And if he knows about your problems, do you think he won't do them? Sure, he will certainly solve your problems.
Whoa! I know my name is ringing bell in heaven now, what about you?
Dear, you could start today by sharing God's love and what Jesus is doing here.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Dearly beloved, let's understand this basic truth: All the attacks, bad situations, difficulties, and anything that makes you unhappy are the devil's devices, and their main purpose is to separate you from the love of Christ. But Romans 8:35 says, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?"

So, when your situation becomes so tough that you want to consider giving up, understand that God's love supersedes all the devil's attacks, and remember that, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39. Yes, even peoples' mouth cannot separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus, Hallelujah!!!

If you know you are operating in the love of Christ, begin to rejoice with me, and endorse a big Amen here, because we are more than conquerors in Jesus name.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

5 Ways to Ruin A Marriage

Wifey Wednesday: 5 Ways to Ruin A Marriage

Christian Marriage Advice

Every Wednesday we talk about marriage! Today, please welcome our guest author, Lindsey Bell, who is sharing an awesome word on guarding your marriage. And then feel free to link up your own marriage posts in the linky below.
5 Sure Fire Ways to Ruin A Marriage
My husband and I will celebrate our ninth anniversary next month. I know there are many who have been married for much longer than nine years, but for us, that’s an accomplishment. Because, let me tell you, years 5-9 have not been the easiest.
In year five, we had our first child together. Any of you with kids know how difficult adding a child into the family can be.
Then, in years seven-nine, we went through four consecutive miscarriages and an adoption. That’s a lot of stress for a three-year period.
Our marriage could have easily faltered under the stress (and it certainly came close at times), but we held on and are better for it.
One of the main reasons it didn’t falter is because we tried our best to avoid these common marriage pitfalls. I’m sharing them with you today in hopes that if you’re falling in to any of them, you’ll pull yourself out before it’s too late.

5 Surefire Ways to Ruin a Marriage:

1. Look to your spouse to fill the voids in your life.

When I first got married, I thought my husband Keith could meet all my needs. But I’ve finally come to accept the fact that he can’t.
He is my husband, not my girlfriend.
He is my husband, not my God.
God didn’t design our husbands to meet our every need. He designed them to complement us, yes, but not to complete us.
If you expect your husband to meet your every need for companionship, love, acceptance, etc, you’re setting yourself up for failure. No man, regardless of how wonderful he might be, is able to completely fill the voids of a woman.

 2. Compare your marriage to the marriages of those around you. 

It’s so easy to look at the marriages of those around us and wonder why ours can’t be “like theirs.” But here’s the thing: we only see a snippet of that other person’s marriage. And I can promise you, the things they advertise on Facebook or Twitter are their highlights. Not their struggles.
When we compare their highlight reel to our weaknesses, we are doomed for discontentment.

3. Allow your children to become your everything.

I’m a stay-at-home mother, so my kids are my life. I spend the majority of my time taking care of them, and when I’m not with them, I’m often thinking about them.
There’s nothing wrong with making your kids a priority, but there is something wrong with making them your primary priority.
The greatest gift you can give your children is a solid marriage. And the only way to maintain a solid marriage through the childrearing years is to keep your marriage as a priority.
So when your husband comes home from work, stop what you’re doing with the kids and greet him. When your husband is talking with you, don’t allow your children to constantly interrupt your conversation. Go on dates with him. Spend time with him without the kids around.
Make it clear to him (and to your kids) that you are his wife first and their mother second.

4. Stop dating your spouse.

It’s so easy to stop dating once we get married. Going on dates, especially after we have children, is work. Plain and simple. We have to plan the date, hire childcare, get the kids ready for the babysitter, make sure the babysitter knows all of our rules, pay a ridiculous amount of money to the babysitter, pay an even more ridiculous amount of money for dinner, and the list goes on.
Dating isn’t as carefree as it used to be, but it’s worth it because it is a great way to reconnect with your spouse without distraction. And for some busy families, it’s the only time a husband and wife really see each other of a week. The rest of the time is spent balancing various kids’ activities, work obligations, and church functions.

 5. Start building relationships with other people of the opposite sex.

When our marriage isn’t going well, it’s easy to look to another person and think things would be different with him or her.
If he were my husband, I’d have more help around the house.
If he were my husband, I’d finally be able to talk to someone who understands me.
If she were my wife, I’d finally get some respect.
But again, what we see from other people are their highlights. Their strengths.
We don’t see their weaknesses, because they don’t publicize them.
I love the quote that’s going around Pinterest: “The grass is greener where you water it.”
Water your marriage, not some other relationship, and the grass will start to get greener.
Let’s talk: What other things could you add to this list?
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Lindsey Bell is the author of Searching for Sanity, a parenting devotional that will be released in January 2014. She’s also a stay-at-home mother of two, minister’s wife, avid reader, and chocolate lover. You can find Lindsey online at any of the following locations: Her blog: Her website: Twitter: Facebook: Pinterest:
About Searching for Sanity:
Have you ever looked at your beloved children and wondered, what in the world am I doing? Why did God trust me—of all people—to raise them?
Motherhood is the most difficult job many of us will ever take. Searching for Sanity offers moms an opportunity to take a breath, dig into the Word, and learn from parents of the past. In short devotions designed for busy moms, this book uses the parents of the Bible—both the good and the bad—to inspire today’s mothers.
It’s coming soon, so be on the lookout!
Now, what advice do you have for us today? Link up the URL of a marriage post in the linky below!

This linky list is not open yet. It will open for new entries in 1 hr, 45 min (9/4/2013 6:47 AM North America - Central Standard Time)

31 Days to Great Sex

31 Days to Great Sex is here (only $4.99!) It's the best $5 you'll ever spend on your marriage!

Learn to talk more, flirt more, and even explore more! You'll work on how to connect emotionally, spiritually, AND physically.

Find out more here.

Comment Policy: Please stay positive with your comments. If your comment is rude, it gets deleted. Any comment that espouses an anti-marriage philosophy (eg. porn, adultery, abuse and the like) will be deleted. If it is critical, please make it constructive. If you are replying to another commenter, please be polite and don't assume you know everything about his or her situation. If you are constantly negative or a general troll, you will get banned. The definition of terms is left solely up to us.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Dearly beloved, Jesus came to stay with us, therefore, always feel the presence of God at all times. Whenever you talk to God your Father in prayer, don't talk to him as if you are talking to an unknown somebody at a very far, distant, unreachable Heaven. But talk to him as someone you know who is right there with you, remembering that He is Spirit, and you cannot see Him, but He can see you because He is there with you.

Matthew 1:23 says, "And they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us." And Acts 17:28 says, "For in him we live, and move, and have our being..." Praise the living Jesus.

Yes, God is right here with us. Therefore, have this great understanding that God is right there with you, and your relationship with Him will change for the better in Jesus precious name. If you know Jesus is with you, begin to rejoice as you stamp a big Amen here because you are blessed. Enjoy your Christmas. 
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Monday, August 26, 2013


I want to draw our attention to this very important fact that those who steal, first of all look around, and when they don't see anybody around them and feel nobody is seeing them, they quickly put what they are stealing in their pocket, and when people shows up, they then frown their face and pretend as if nothing has happened. But one thing they fail to realize is that, whereas they only feel that nobody sees them, God is watching. 

Proverbs 15:3 says, "The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good."
This is where the problem is. Most people are only conscious of those who are physically present whenever they want to do a thing, neglecting the fact that God who could not be seen is also present, and is watching. As a result, they end up doing what they wouldn't have done. Sure, you need to know this, because 2 Chronicles 16:9 also says, "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him."

Know therefore that, it is this consciousness of the presence of God that makes somebody a child of God. All these evil thoughts that make unbelievers steal, commit fornication and adultery, premarital sex, and all other kinds of sin, also come to everybody including believers, but because believers are conscious of the presence of God, and understands that God is watching, they now refuse to commit the sin. That's why 1 John 3:9 says, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

May God help us to feel his presence at all times and understand that he is watching, so that we would continue to live a holy life that he demands from us in Jesus name.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Breaking News is not really the news at the breaking of the day, it is called breaking news because it is capable of breaking your heart. That's why you need the Gospel, because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Good News. And this is the best news that you need to start your day. Remain blessed.
Jesus loves you and I do too.


Phillip Aiken Wrote:
Read full article at:

A. When Satan wanted to lead the first man and woman into sin, he started by attacking the woman's mind (See 2 Cor. 11:3 and 1 Tim. 2:13-14).

B. Why would Satan want to attack your mind?
-Because your mind is the part of the image of God where He communicates with you and reveals His will to you.

-Because your thought life according to Proverbs 4:23 controls the rest of your life. "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." "Heart" in the Old Testament deals with your thought life in over 200 of the 800 times "heart" is used. Verse 23 could read, "guard your thought life with all diligence because it will determine how you live."

-Because your thought life dominates and shapes your attitude.
-----Your thought life leads to an attitude.
-----Your attitude leads to an action.
-----Your action leads to an achievement.

C. It's important that we protect our thought life because we can become no bigger, no better, no finer, no more successful than our dominant thoughts. "As a man thinketh in his heart (deeply) believes) so is he" (Prov. 23:7).

-What the mind attends to it considers.
-What the mind does not attend to it dismisses.
-What the mind attends to continually it believes.
-What the mind believes it eventually does.

A. The mind is the battleground where spiritual warfare is won or lost.

-Satan realizes that if he can change or influence what you think then he can change or influence how you behave.

-Satan tries to influence what you think by the strategy of enticement and deception.
This is what he did to Eve in the garden.

B. Satan came to Eve as the serpent, the subtle deceiver of the mind.
-He cannot touch our wills so he comes against that which influences the will ---our thought life.
-A person's thought life so affects the will that they are said to be a product of their thinking. (See Prov. 23:7 again).
-Your body may be built by food, but your personality and character are built by thought.
-God's nature is to influence our life with truth. Satan's nature is to influence our life with lies.

C. Notice the steps Satan took in getting Eve to believe his lie.
-He questioned God's Word, "indeed has God said...."
-He denied God's Word, "you shall not surely die..."
-He substituted his own word, "you will be like god...."

D. How did Eve respond to Satan's approach? She responded by making three mistakes that led her into sin.

-She took away from God's Word. (In verse 2 she omitted the word "freely").
-She added to God's Word. (We do not find the words "or touch it" in God's original command).
-She changed God's Word. (God did not say "lest you die". He had said you shall "surely die").


A. Why did Satan attack the Word God had spoken to Adam and Eve and try to change it?

-Because God wanted Adam and Eve to know His will and God's Word reveals God's will.
-Apart from the Word of God we have no understanding of the will of God.
-If Satan can get the mind to question the Word of God then that person will never discover God's will.


A. John 8:32, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
-Only the inspired Word of God can reveal and defeat the devil's lies.
-Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan's attack on the Mount of Temptation (Matt. 4:1-11).

B. If we are to win the battle of the mind we must

1. Love God's Word
2. Know God's Word
3. Memorize God's Word
4. Meditate on God's Word
5. Believe God's Word
6. Use God's Word
7. Do God's Word

C. If we follow these 7 steps, we will be able to "Cast down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every though to the obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5).

What are the different types of sins and their definitions?

The most commonly mentioned sins are the Ten Commandments. 
1) You shall have no other Gods before me.
This is the most commonly committed sin. you wouldn't think so, but not all things you put before God are called "gods". For example: Instead of going to church, you go spend the day with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Another example is being so involved with sports to the point where you arent devoting any time to God. Keep in mind, sports are not sins, but when you put them before God they can become one.
2) You shall not make for yourself any idol.
Idolatry is when you worship something tangible.
3)You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.
There are many ways people sin in this manner. When you curse others, or in general, you bring curses on yourself, which is not a good thing.
4) Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.
Years ago you couldn't go to the store on Sundays because everything in town was shut down. Sundays are a time to spend with your families and give God glory.
5)Honor your father and mother.
This one is self explanatory. Do what your parents say. Try and help your parents with one of the many burdens they carry. It will improve their stress and make them lighten up a bit on you. also, the bible does not give an age limit to obeying your parents. 18 is a legal number, but the bible just says to obey them.
6) You shall not murder.
Dont kill people. And not hate people. Jesus said that when you hold hatred against someone, you have already committed murder in your heart.
7)You shall not commit adultery.
Dont have sex before your married. Dont mess around before your married. your body is Gods and your future spouses, when you defile it by committing sexual sins, you disrespect God and your future spouse. Also, every other sin you commit is outside your body, but sexual sin is inside the body, and has lasting and worse draw backs. Also, don't have sex with other people or fool around when you are married. And don't have sex or fool around with someone who is married. Also, when you look at a woman lustfully, whether it be porn or that girl at the beach, you have committed adultery in your heart.
8) You shall not steal.
Whether it be that 25 cent pack of gum at school or robbing 60 million from a bank, its wrong and a sin.
9) You shall not lie.
White lies count. Gods people are called to be honest, even if the truth hurts.
10) You shall not covet.
Jealousy. Wanting that classmates car or that coworkers job or that friends girl, its jealousy. its a sin, and its wrong.

Other sins.

Drunkenness or Highness.
God calls us to be sober and alert (1 Thessalonians 5:6, Ephesians 5:18)
The word says to have faith in God (Mark 11:22) fear and worry don't help.
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) Dont sit around and hope it will go away if you procrastinate long enough.
(exodus 21:22-25, Jeremiah 1:5)
(2 Peter 2:11) "She started it!" is an example
(2 Corinthians 12:20)
(2 Timothy 2:23)
We are called to be humble.
Those bar fights and fights at school wont do. (Exodus 21:28-19)
Ouch. But the stars don't hold the answers, God holds the answers. (Deuteronomy 4:19; 17:3-7; Isaiah 47:13,14; Acts 7:42; Ezekiel 8:16)
(Acts 8:23; Romans 3:14; Ephesians 4:31; Hebrews 12:15) Forgive.
(Jude 1:10) Blasphemy against the Holy spirit is the only unforgivable sin. Usually people that commit this sin are so far gone they don't care. If your worried you've committed this sin, chances are you havent.
Eating Blood.
Sorry vampire lovers. (1 Samuel 14:33)
a form of pride
Being against God children.
There is so much to this. Gods children are not just the children, they are Gods servants. christians. Jews, anyone that takes on the name of God and lives it. Basically, you are to treat Gods people with love and respect, taking them in if they are in need. Not hating them, judging them, speaking out against them, etc. (Acts 22:3,22, Acts 5:18,35,39, Acts 9:1,4,5; Jn 9:22,28,34, Mt 9:4, Pv 6:16,19, Mt 24:49, Acts 21:28; Num 14:2,3,11; 16:3, 1 Jn 4:6, Acts 15:1,2; Ro 14:13, etc)
Breaking up homes.
(Mt 19:6; 5:31,32)
Bribing or accepting a bribe.
Ex 23:8; Ps 26:10
Not spanking a disobedient child.
Pv 13:24
Dressing indecently.
Ladies, i know you want to be in with the style. But when your boobs and butt hang out, your causing those boys to stumble, which is also a sin. If you are trying to attract boys and you want to attract the right one. Chances are, the right guy wont respect you for what your wearing, you will just attract the creeps. 1 Tim 2:9; Pv 7:10
Taking communion if you are sinning.
Before you sin, come before God at the alter and ask for forgiveness. When you take communion you need to be right with God. 1 Cor 11:29,30
Jude 1:16
Not being content with what you have.
Heb 13:5


Beloved, I want you to understand that when a person is born again, just as a new born baby grows from breastfeeding to a mature adult, so also a born again believer need to grow from a baby christian into a mature woman or man of God.
Most people always make the mistake, and feels that once you accept Jesus and become born again, you will just know everything about God, but that is not the case. Please, understand that as a new born baby cannot just get up and walk, but has to learn how to crawl, sit, stand, walk, talk and even do things, so also every born again believer will have to go through the process of learning about God which is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ until they grow to become mature Christians. 1 Peter 2:2 says, "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby."
Because of this, at PASSION FOR GOD'S WILL, we bring you messages that will help you understand the things of God so that you may grow stronger and stronger by them.
Therefore, those of you who have known God, don't hesitate to share the goodness of God here, and you who have not really understood the things of God, don't hesitate to ask questions, because most of the disciples asked Jesus a lot of questions, that's why they were able to understand him and grow to the extent that they got the Gospel message to us.
May God richly bless you as we join hands to make all young Believers grow in faith in the wonderful name of Jesus. Remain blessed.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Can only one hand wash itself and be clean? Not at all. In order for your hands to be very clean, the left hand must need the right hand, and the right hand must need the left hand to rub against each other, and that's exactly how God created us. We all need each other in other to succeed in life. The Church is called the body of Christ, and as a body, no part of the body can do without the other.
Hebrews 12:14 says, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord."
And Jesus said in Matthew 5:23-24, "Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift."
Thus, as you worship God today, be sure to fix broken relationships, so that you may be the children of God's kingdom in Jesus name. Remain blessed.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Moses Abang Wrote:
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper.
His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he drive a nail into the concrete wall. The first day the boy put 37 nails into the wall.

Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails driven in daily reduced. He found out it was easier to control his temper than to drive those nails into the concrete wall. 
Finally the day came when he didn't lose his temper. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy begin to pull out a nail for each day that he was able to control his temper. The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that he had taken all the nails out. 

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the wall. He said, 'You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the wall. The wall will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like these holes in the wall. Once you hurt your loved ones, it won't matter how many times you say "I'm sorry." Though they forgive you, the wound will still be there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Time might heal it, but the scar remains. 

Your friends are jewels. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed; They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to you.
Hope I never left a hole in your heart!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Corinthian Man-Creed

The Corinthian Man-Creed

Shawn McEvoy

The scripture board on the wall of my two-and-a-half-year-old son reads:

"Be on your guard, stand firm in faith, be a man of courage, be strong; do everything in love." -- 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Years ago, long before my son was even an inkling, I came across that verse as I was sending my own father one of many letters I composed over the years to share with him the message and importance of salvation, and the value of life in Christ. My sister, mother, and I came to know the Lord in 1980, but it took another 17 years, seven months, and 26 days worth of praying, heart softening, and brokenness for Dan McEvoy to surrender.

And it wasn't this letter or the above verse that pushed him into it. No, this letter I was writing simply to tell him how blessed I was to have begun dating a woman (who eventually became my wife) for whom faith came first, and I was giving God all the glory and credit and all that good stuff, and probably telling him how God delights in blessing those who trust in Him.

With the letter I enclosed a quick-and-dirty page of graphic art involving the aforementioned verse from Corinthians in some fancy font, with a clip-art picture of a sailboat, kind of as a visual aid to my letter, indicating, I suppose, what it was like for the man of God to live in this world under the Captaincy of Christ.

Well, so. After he died in 2001, I found that letter and piece of "art" in my father's desk, looking as if it had been read and glanced at often. Something in me knew then that if I were ever to have a son, I'd commit to raising him to manhood under these same five principles:

Be on your guard. Be ready, be alert. Expect God to be involved, expect Satan to attack. Let the wonder of creation still catch your eye.

Stand firm in faith. Be unmoved because you know intimately that of which you believe in. Become biblically literate.

Be a man of courage. Fear is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7), so go your way boldly. The worst that can happen -- even death -- still ends in victory and glory for the Christian.

Be strong. Physically, yes, let's take care of ourselves, and present our bodies as holy. But remember that the Lord is the strength of the strong (Ephesians 6:10), and that "when I am weak, then I am strong" (2 Corinthians 12:10).

Do everything in love. Here's your motivation, because he that doesn't love doesn't know God (1 John 4:8), and the world shall know you by your love (John 13:35).

So when Jordan was born, and we had the dedication service at our church, that's the verse we selected to have read. My sister-in-law's sister-in-law (confusing enough?) had previously painted a scripture board for our niece's nursery, and graciously consented to create one for us as well. And there it has hung in Jordan's room for 31 months now. From time to time, I'd mention it to him, and read it aloud.

Two weeks ago, he started reciting it by memory. Well, the first two phrases, anyway. He asks me to read it all the time, and do the arm/hand motions he made up (an arm curl for "strong," arms crossing heart for "love," etc.). He has me calling it our "Man-Creed," which I think is completely awesome. When I get home today, he's going to smile at me and ask if we can say our Man-Creed, and my heart will swell with fatherly pride.

But here's the secret, which Jordan doesn't know...

These couple verses from the closing of Paul's first letter to Corinth aren't for him... they're for me.

Have you ever had the experience where, for example, you're hearing a great sermon in church, and all you can think about are the people you know who reallyneed to hear this? You start coming up with ways to tell them so as eloquently as the pastor is now? You consider reserving a copy of the sermon tape to send to them? You take the tape home, listen to make sure it's as good as you remember, get out your Bible to follow along, and without even knowing what happens, you suddenly come to the red-faced realization that, oops, this message is for you. Not Mom, not husband, not good friend going through a rough patch, you.

Heh heh. Yeah. And in this case, being caught "off my guard" in that respect gains a tinge of irony since here the very verse is preaching about being on my guard. I was more than happy to tell my own father how to "be a man," and perfectly willing to raise my son to be one according to the Word.

But how, I wonder, did I intend to do so without living out the credo, making it my own? The Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible comments upon the 1 Corinthians passage thusly: "[Paul] shows that they ought to make their hopes of salvation to depend not on Apollos or any other teacher; that it rests with themselves." Yes, and on how I am willing to live, or better, whether I am willing to let my life be of greater worth than my words.

The Commentary Critical adds: "'Be on your guard:' for you are slumbering; 'Stand': for you are like men tottering; 'In the faith,' which was assailed by some; 'Be strong': for you are effeminate; 'Do everything in love,' not with strifes as at present" (Language updated).

That's a great reminder of all the ways the Church is starting to come back into understanding what it means to be a man of God. John Eldredge's Wild at Heart, and Paul Coughlin's Epic have awoken within me the very elements of "the Creed." Books like David Murrow's Why Men Hate Going to Church and Paul Coughlin's Why Men Hate Going to Church and Paul Coughlin's No More Christian Nice Guy, among others, have educated and inspired many regarding the forgotten masculine side of Christianity. There are whispers everywhere that men's ministries are on the upswing.

I don't know about the other guys out there, but it definitely helps me to have something to live by, something to recite, something to write on my heart, ponder the meaning of, and connect to other scriptures as I strive to be a man after God's own heart. And it doesn't hurt that this creed I now follow is affecting its third generation in my family.

So please allow me to recommend teaching your child -- no matter how young -- to recite a Bible verse that reflects who they can and should be in Christ, and make it real in their lives. But while you're doing it, "be on your guard." It may just become your own credo.