Thursday, February 14, 2013


Do you know why there is a high rate of divorce in marriages all over the world today? It is because the couples have left their first love. Do you remember how you behaved when you first met that beautiful girl who is your wife? As at then, nothing she does was bad. All you could see then was beauty and love. No matter what happened, you were very quick to forgive and always say, “Baby, I love you.”

But what happens is that, when you see that their two oranges have fallen flat, you no longer see the beauty in your wife, as a result you take your eyes off her, and begin to look at the new girls whose oranges are still standing and pointing forward, and you begin to go after them. But I tell you the truth, even if you get them, when their two oranges fall flat too, you will begin to look for other ones.

Similarly, when you first met that handsome man who is your husband, you were very respectful, nothing he does was ever wrong, because your heart was not yet contaminated by any evil influence from anybody. But when you now to take your eyes off him, and begin to look at other flashy beards, you then begin to find fault in your husband, and your sugar in the tea then becomes bitter lemon.

This February, is the month of love. Why not take a moment and begin to remember what you used to do at the beginning of your marriage, and look at your spouse in the face and say to him or her, “Honey, I love you.” Yes, I mean it. Try this now, and begin to practice it everyday and see if divorce will not back off from your marriage.

May God’s kind of love found in the Lord Jesus Christ, penetrate into the hearts of couples, and fill every home today, so that every believing family will continue to stand together in love, in Jesus name.     
Jesus loves you and I do too.

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