Sunday, March 31, 2013


Rejoice all ye saints, the Lord Jesus has risen. He is alive, and this is the bedrock of Christianity.
1 Corinthians 15:17 says, "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Sure, our faith is not worthless because Jesus has risen.
Yes, there is no other person who had been able to resurrect like he did. They tried to put soldiers around his grave to stop him from resurrecting, but even the soldiers could not prevent him because he is unstoppable. Therefore, we his children are unstoppable. 
Now, if you know that you are unstoppable, rejoice as you worship him today, and type a confirmatory Amen because you are victorious. 
May the resurrection power that got him up, uproot every root of bitterness in your life,  as you celebrate his resurrection in Jesus name.
Happy Easter.  

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