Thursday, July 3, 2014

Women are the most wonderful creature

Baatee Pagos Kpegediba Wrote:

Women are the most wonderful creature I have seen on Earth,
but am yet to understand why some men are busy finding
faults upon faults on them.
Ok, lets look at them this way and tell me if am lying
1) Women are the only creature that can change their original
surname just for the sake of love.
2) They are most easiest creature to convince.
3) They are the only creature that loves from the bottom of
their heart.
4) They are the creature that can prefer to go to bed with an
empty stomach, just to make sure that their children feeds
5) They are the only creature on Earth that cries very easily,
just to expose their inward disposition.
6) They are always awake even at the dead of the night just to
make sure that their children are protected.
7) They can even sell out their cloths just to buy food for
their children, and also see them smiling.
8) They are always ready to sacrifice their lives just to save
the lives of their children.
9) They are always in the kitchen inhaling the smoke without
complaining, just to prepare something for their children and
husband to eat.
10) They are the only creature that can abandon their
biological family and start up a new home with a stranger.
11) Even when they are battling with the pains of pregnancy,
yet, they are busy looking after their husbands and children.
In fact!
Mmmuahh! Just a Kisssssssss for all my wonderful female
friends on Facebook!
Indeed, am glad to have you all!

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