Saturday, August 16, 2014


A Muslim, who just received the Lord Jesus Christ in USA, went to his home town in India to share his new belief with his family and friends. After telling them the good news, 4 men of his family and friends rose up and gave him a thorough beating to the extent that he was sick. At the same night, after he had prayed, the Lord Jesus appeared to him in a vision and said to him, ”Welldone son, you’ve done a good job, I will make those your enemies to be your friends.”
The following morning, those 4 men who gave this believer a thorough beating came to him, and apologized to him, and confessed all the evil that they did to him. The man forgave them, preached the Gospel to them again, and they all received The Lord Jesus Christ. Today, that believer is a pastor, and those Muslim enemies are now Christians.
Honestly, most of you can not afford taking up the beating like this man did; but at least, you can hit the share button on your computer to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these types of people.
Now, If you love JESUS, like this, comment Amen and share this to show your love of Christ to people of other religions, because they also need Jesus to be saved, and God will surely bless you as you do this in Jesus name.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

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