Thursday, January 29, 2015

Is Your Husband On The Rooftop?(Pt I)

Marriageafterhisheart's Blog

My unscripted journey as I transition into my new role as a Godly wife and mother…..

Is Your Husband On The Rooftop?(Pt I)

I don’t mean this series of posts to be a bash on women, one because I don’t bash on myself, and two because bashing women is so un-lady like and doesn’t make God to happy at all. I really wrote this series out of my private journal and about my own private journey and reflection on issues that I am plagued with. 
We women are bossy by nature; it is a skill that I believe can manifest itself as early as infancy.  As our children especially our daughters are able to form communication skills they can be bossy even in their cries and wailing! My Graci is two now, and she is a mother hen in the making. When she was able to babble, she babbled in this fussing language with this very intense facial expression down to the crease in the brow that I sometimes see in my mirror. When little sister came along, it intensified. When big sisters are being admonished, I can hardly get the words out without laughing at my little pall parrot who out talks me while mimicking me in the background.  At the daycare she keeps everyone on the straight and narrow, she is the class tattle tale, the one who will point her finger and babble the class rules, in the way that she has heard the class rules given over and over again. Sadly,I know exactly where she gets it from, and as much as it hurts, this apple tree has four little apples who just fell straight from the branch to the ground next to the root. I often say to Mark that I feel sorry for her future husband, and in my saying those very words I started feeling sorry for mine.
We do have a right to be bossy sometimes. It comes with motherhood, and managing our homes, BUT it really doesn’t apply to managing our husbands. OUCH! Honestly, we shouldn’t even be managing them. DOUBLE OUCH!  I often joke with people that I hate going on family vacations because I can’t enjoy them for all the duties of managing the vacation.  I normally plan the vacation, the itinerary, the budget, the packing and all that comes along with it.  When we are going on vacation, I am the one packing everything in the bag, keeping up with everyone’s stuff, making sure everyone gets fed, keeping a stern eagle eye out for my wanderer awayers, and just plain old managing the fun. I am the front line manager and if you have ever been in management professionally, the front line manager is usually the fall guy and the point man.  When I am in manager mode, I tend to forget that Mark is CEO of Thomas and Company. I tend not to stay in my place, and as most managers do when things go wrong   I get mad at upper management.
The difference for me is that I can tell upper management what I really think. I don’t have to fill out a comment card, or wait for an employee appreciation survey because I can’t get fired! Or can I?   I am not supposed to, because my job is life long, it is till I die but I can get fired before I die even if it’s not rightfully so. In other words, I can make my husband leave me and choose another manager.  Just because it’s not right for him to leave me for being bossy doesn’t mean it can’t happen; and it doesn’t mean I can be bossy, brawling, contentious, and so repetitive that I sound like continual drops of rain because its wrong for him to leave me.TRIPLE OUCH!!
I know there are some who feel my thinking is a bit extreme and off the map, but King Solomon in all his God-given wisdom says things a lot less tactful than I do and has left eight, count them, eight whole scriptures to back me up. Is it wrong for a man to leave his wife for something as simple as being bossy, argumentative, nagging, and mean? YES it most certainly is. But even the bible lends a sympathetic ear to such men who live with such women. It’s so important that two of the scriptures are basically the same and three are only verses and a couple chapters apart.
  1.  Proverbs 9:13
    A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing
  2. Proverbs 11:22
    As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
  3. Proverbs 12:4
    A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
  4. Proverbs 14:1
    Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
  5. Proverbs 21:9
    It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.
  6. Proverbs 21:19
    It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.
  7. Proverbs 25:24
    It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.
  8. Proverbs 27:15
    A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.
I mean really,  for the Almighty to give Solomon the wisdom to write the proverbs that it is better for a man to live on the roof of a house, or in the wilderness than with a angry, bossy, argumentative woman says something.  How bad can she be for him to rather live in the stinking wilderness with wild untamed things?  To think that a wife’s behavior could be so annoying that her husband would be better off with wild animals in the wilderness, or on the top of his house than inside the house with her speaks volumes to me and shakes me to my very core. And, it still holds true to this day and age.  Men may not be on the virtual roof top, but they scurry off to their game rooms, or the garage, or “man caves” to escape their wives. Instead of going off to the wilderness, they go out into the world which in my eyes is worse.  They have bars, clubs, societies,  boys nights and even WORK that they escape to and the inhabitants of such places can be worse than wild animals. As a matter of fact, there are even some wild animals that have more loyalty and discretion than some temptations that are out there lurking to lure our husbands. I will cut off here and create a Part II post for brevity’s sake.  Stay Blessed and encouraged!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


What should you do when you discover that your things are stolen? You can do what David did.
The Bible says that when David returned from war and discovered that virtually everything that he had were stolen by the enemy, he went to God and asked, "Lord, shall I pursue, and shall I recover them all?" And God answered him, "Pursue, and recover them all. And David pursued and recovered everything that the enemy has stolen.

Beloved, until when will you understand that the devil, who also is the thief and your enemy has stolen your belongings? Jesus said in John 10:10 that the thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He has stolen your joy, he has stolen your peace, and he has stolen your wealth. Also, he stolen your husband, and tricks you to call it separation. He has stolen your wife, and deceives you to call it divorce.

When you wake up in the morning, and your husband whom you loved so much is no longer in the house, how do you feel? And when you get up one day and your  wife who used to be the sugar in your tea is no longer by your side, why can't you understand that it is the work of the enemy? And you children, when you find out that your very own mother who gave birth to you is not living in the same house with you, why can't you question your father, and ask him to bring your mother back to the house?

Thus, if you say you are a real child of God, you should be able to understand that divorce is a lost battle during which your precious spouse was stolen. So, if any of your thing was stolen by the enemy, all you need to do today is to rise up and pursue, so that you can recover all. When you pursue, may God help you to recover all in Jesus name.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Dearly beloved, please note: Just as you have determined to enter into the kingdom of God that Jesus is preparing for you, so also the devil has determined to prevent you from entering into it. 

Thus, the best way to stay holy in order to make it into the kingdom of God is to avoid or stay far away from anything that will contaminate or defile you. Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:22, Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Therefore, when you see a person of opposite sex beginning to go half-naked before your eyes for the sake of fashion, don't claim to be too holy to stay around, you better run for your life because such individual has something you'll find it difficult to resist. If you keep looking at the nakedness of that fellow, there's every tendency that you may fall. May God help us in Jesus name. This is just a piece of advice. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


(John 15:1-5)
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful.
3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

1. All vines are designed to bear fruit. Vines are designed to produce grapes.
2. All vineyards are planted for the purpose of producing grapes.
3. Jesus is the one True Vine. Because He is God He possess all the life and characteristics of the Father Himself; because He is man He is truly and permanently connected to us and we to Him. In this way He has become the connection (conduit) through which God’s very life and character is delivered and imparted to us. It is literally through Him that we have become partakers of the divine life. In the truest and fullest sense possible, Jesus through His incarnation, His redemptive work at Calvary and His resurrected life has become the true vine and the source of life and fruit bearing for every believer.

(Colossians 2:9-10) For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

BASIC OBSERVATIONS-----------------------
1. CHRIST is the VINE, we are the BRANCHES.
2. GOD the FATHER is the GARDENER.
3. Branches receive their LIFE from the VINE.
4. All the branches need is provided by the VINE and its ROOT SYSTEM.
5. Branches receive LIFE from the VINE as long as they are CONNECTED to the VINE.
6. Branches that are SEVERED from the VINE soon dry up and die.
7. Even healthy, growing vines must be PRUNED and kept by the GARDENER in order to bear fruit.
8. Branches left to themselves will INVARIABLY grow in the WRONG direction.
9. Growth, in and of itself, does not assure fruitfulness— fruitfulness is the end product of PROPER growth.
10. Fruitfulness is not the product of the branches’ own characteristics and effort—it is the product of abiding in the VINE combined with the loving CARE of the GARDENER.
11. The GARDENER knows what is best for both the

VINEYARD and the individual BRANCHES. (a) Submit to pruning (b) Bear fruit
The vineyard and the branches do not exist for their own SATISFACTION and PLEASURE, but for the satisfaction and pleasure of the GARDENER.


Step One: Be connected
Step Two: Stay connected
Step Three: Grow
Step Four: Be regularly pruned and tended by the Gardener
Step Five: Bear fruit

1. Bearing fruit takes time!
2. Bearing fruit takes patience and persistence!
3. Bearing fruit takes nurture and care!

It’s worth waiting for.
It’s worth the time and the effort.
The fruit brings delight to all who partake of it!

The vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of his delight. Isaiah 5:7


Somebody just asked whether Heaven and Hell are real, and from the various responses, it seems to me that some people have not yet known about it, or it may be that people have not told them the truth about it. And I'm glad you are here, because the purpose of this group is to bring you to the point where you'll know the basic truth and realities about life.

Therefore, you who have not known about heaven and hell till now, begin to know and understand form today that there is Heaven and Hell. Yes, Heaven and Hell are real places where people go. John 14:3.
You are asking somebody, "Have you been there?" Listen, we might not have been there, but we know they exist because somebody who had been there has told us about them. Sure, Jesus has been in Heaven, he came here on earth to do what God the Father asked him to do, and he has gone back to Heaven. Acts 1:11. But before he left, he promised that he is coming back again. Certainly, heaven is a place of enjoyment for believers, and hell is a place of torment for those who will refuse to believe in Jesus the only begotten Son of God.

So, if you are in a church that your leaders cannot explain to you that there is heaven and hell so that you'll know how to prepare yourself for the place you want to go, you better escape for your life, because at the end of this life's journey, you'll find yourself in one of these two places.
May God help you to accept this basic truth which will enable you to live the life that is worthy of heaven in the mighty name of Jesus. You are blessed.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Leaders are like drivers of a bus, and the way they drive affects the lives of all the passengers on board. If they drive well, all passengers on board are safe, but if they drive recklessly, they will cause a terrible accident, and the lives of everybody in the bus including theirs are in danger.

Therefore, to all leaders, both present and future, whether you are the President of a country, Governor of a state, Chairman of an organization, Pastor of a church, or leader of any kind of group, I want you to know very well and understand that you did not get to that position by your own power, but you are there because the sovereign God has put you there.

Psalm 75:7 says, "But God is the Judge; He puts down one and exalts another," and Daniel 2:21 says, "He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings." Thus, it doesn't matter how you got there, but the fact is, you are there just because God made it possible for you to be there.

Now, Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." So, do you see how the lives of the followers are affected by their leaders?
Thus, as a leader, considering the people you are leading, are they rejoicing or are they mourning because of the way you are leading them? This is the big question we all got to answer as it's time for the leaders to listen behind them and find out what is actually happening and what people are saying about them.

I am asking that the very God, who has put you in that position of leadership to take care of his people, give you the grace, wisdom and knowledge to do the right thing that will make most of your people, if not everybody to rejoice, in Jesus name. You are blessed to be a leader.
Jesus loves you and I do too.


Light does not beg darkness to move. Whenever light shows up, darkness have no option but to move and disappear. 

As from today, because you are a child of God and you have Jesus, you shall not walk in darkness in Jesus name. Whenever you show up in any place, every darkness of trouble, lack, hardship, sickness, loneliness, failure or any terrible things shall disappear in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Have a wonderfully, joyful and power-packed year. You are so much blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.