Saturday, October 3, 2015


Have you ever asked yourself this question, If the Jehovah's witnesses are preaching the true word of God, why is it that they isolate themselves from every other people who believe in the same God they claim to preach about?
In an effort to answer this question, I decided not to be driving them away any longer, instead, I always welcome them into my home so that we could discuss the word of God to get the truth of it, and after finishing with them, few of them have repented and given their lives to Jesus, but most of them ended up not stopping by my house anymore. But in any case, we must bring the undiluted TRUTH of the word of God to everyone including the Jehovah's witnesses.
In my encounter with them, I've discovered many errors in their teachings. The major thing they talk about is that God will establish his kingdom here on earth in which there will be no unrighteousness, and that they will be the only one to inherit that kingdom. They never mention anything about salvation through God's only Son Jesus Christ. They also teach that people will not go to heaven, because heaven is for God and the earth was made for man, whereas the message that Jesus gave to us is that people should believe the Gospel, repent and be saved so we could be where he is.
Therefore, let's reach out to the Jehovah's witnesses with the undiluted truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to tell them that in order to enter into God's kingdom, there must be repentance and forgiveness of sins which only Jesus Christ can provide, so that they could hear it and be saved. May God help us as we minister to them in Jesus name. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

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