Saturday, January 23, 2016


Please, don't miss the point of the Gospel message, because we are now in the time where many people wake up in the morning, open their Facebook pages and look for only messages that will pronounce blessings, so that they can type Amen.
Listen attentively, the Gospel message is not about blessings, but it's all about your Salvation. So, when you pursue after blessings, you miss the salvation, but if you go after your salvation, when you get it, all your blessings are already included in the package of salvation.
Hebrews 12:14 says, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Sure, you follow after peace and holiness, not after blessings, and when you do, your blessing is sure and certain. Yes, understand that just as your body needs food and water, so also your soul needs the TRUTH of the word of God.
Now, if you know that you are saved, you can endorse a big Amen here, and may God help us not to miss the point of the Gospel in Jesus name. You are so much blessed to be here. Jesus loves you and I do too.

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