Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Living a life without repentance is like sitting on a stick of dynamite and hoping it doesn't explode. However, no matter how long a person sits on it, at the right time, it will surely explode.
This is something many people have not yet understood, that's why they've not yet accepted Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior, but the fact that they refused to accepted Jesus doesn't mean God will not do what He has purposed to do when the time comes. 
Acts 17:30-31 says, "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."
Yes, such a day is coming, that is why we need to understand, that it's not good to continue to sit on a stick of dynamite and hoping it doesn't explode. But just as someone can escape this explosion by stepping out of the dynamite, so also can they escape the wrath of God when they give their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance, 2 Peter 3:9. Thus, If you love the Lord and you love those who have not repented, could you please share this message with someone, telling them about the love of Christ, so that they too could give their lives to Jesus and be saved. Now, if you know very well that you are saved, comment Amen here and share this message of salvation with others. You are blessed.
Jesus loves you and I do too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


This former servant of the devil, now brother Adebesi Jude Solomon from Kogi state, Nigeria, (pictured during his deliverance) says he was initiated into occultism unintentionally through having sex with a girl who was an agent of an occult group in the university of Illorin where he was studying science laboratory. After having sex with the girl, she collected his sperms and submitted it to the kingdom of darkness. In the night, in his dream, the girl appeared to him and informed him he had been initiated into witchcraft. He was then asked to shed blood and he was given powers to do so. Through witchcraft, he killed eight members of his family including his father through accident and their blood went to empower the alter of the devil and that is how he was promoted from one level to another as he carried out assignment after assignment for the devil. Read his account.
“Sometime later, I submitted my brother. The kingdom of darkness asked me to kill him so they could promote me. It was through a road accident too – a motorbike. They manipulated a car from their kingdom to hit the two of us on a bike. They had arranged it with me. I survived – people who came to the accident scene found me on the other side of the road inside the gutter with minor injuries. My brother died on the spot. I was promoted again. I was given the power of monitoring, because my brother was the closest person to me. Once you are initiated in the kingdom of darkness, your emotions will die. You kill without regretting, without remorse. You don’t have any emotions any more. I didn’t have any emotions for any human being. I didn’t have time for human beings. It was not only my brother who died in that accident, but the thing that will crown you is if it is your own blood brother that you have submitted. With the power of monitoring, when someone is coming towards you, you will know if this is a human being or an evil spirit in human form. You will see with the power that they have given you. Every satanic kingdom has its own symbol. Witchdoctor's symbols are different from ritualist's symbols. And there are some people you meet on the street who are under witchcraft possession – witches are tormenting them, causing disappointments and misfortune in their activities but they are not possessed. When I see such, I know. Anyone I come accross on the street who is a witch or wizard, I know – he will have his symbol. It will be like a garment on him or her. If it is a witchdoctor, the symbol will be on his face. For some, you will see them physically walking with their feet – but the truth is that they are not walking with their feet. They are floating and only somebody like me who is initiated can see it.
Whatever you see from your kingdom in the society, you would be able to understand. When a person is under witchcraft torment, you as an agent of darkness don’t go there because another agent is taking care of him. In our kingdom, we target those who are strong Christians.
“For Christians, there is a flame of fire that surrounds them. Such a Christian, you can’t harm him easily. To harm him, we will just be tempting him to fall into sin. We will parade our beautiful girls before him so that he will fall into lust. If he falls into that temptation, that is the time to penetrate him because the fire around him reduces. Gradually, we will entice him into more sin until the fire around him becomes completely cold and that’s when we now strike.
Even if you are strong, you will be tempted. But do you give in? How do you yield to that temptation? It is your yielding that matters. Everybody will be tempted. As far as you are in this flesh, you will be tempted. The difference is that God will make a way of escape for you if you are a committed Christian.
All Christians are equal in the spiritual realm – it’s only we who call them names like ‘pastor’.
The flame of fire on each Christian is quite different. For some people it’s only on their head and the body is not protected. Why? Because they are not committed. You can attack such a Christian easily. They are confessing that they are Christians but not such in heart and they are not ready to grow. You can see by the fire surrounding them the level of the persons’ commitment to Christ.
In the kingdom of darkness, they will not send an agent who is low to a Christian covered with a big flame. There are sets of people they send – level by level. There are levels in Christianity; there are levels in the spiritual world.
Everything you are seeing in Christianity is happening in the spiritual world – in Jesus’ kingdom. But in our spiritual, ocult world, we don’t call the name Jesus Christ. We say, ‘the children of that man’. We are not used to it. It’s not something you call over there. That name when you call it, it causes catastrophy in our kingdom.
I was in the third level then. That’s when I killed my dad. I was to celebrate my birthday and I convinced him to travel with me. We had an accident. The kingdom of darkness induced me into a comma, but my father was killed. I was then given the spirit of finance – money.
“When your finances are tampered with, your joy will be lost. We want to kill your joy. Even if you are a strong Christian or powerful pastor – when your finances are tampered with, you will be affected. So I had the power to tamper with other people’s finances and cause businesses to collapse. When you see people acquire money, and they are proud – that is the spirit of money at work.
(To be continued with even more shocking revelations...)


This is an account of a man who lived for over 20 years in the world of darkness and devilry, a man who knew the workings and machinations of the satanic kingdom like the back of his hand and he now exposes their dark secrets after receiving his deliverance. Before you read, brace yourself. The revelations are shocking but the lessons fundamental. Christians, we are in a real battle between good and evil, between darkness and light. Confessing that you are a Christian is not enough – you must be completely born again in Spirit and be obedient to the commandments of Jesus if you must be saved and make it to heaven.
This former servant of the devil, now brother Adebesi Jude Solomon from Kogi state, Nigeria, (pictured during his deliverance) says he was initiated into occultism unintentionally through having sex with a girl who was an agent of an occult group in the university of Illorin where he was studying science laboratory. After having sex with the girl, she collected his sperms and submitted them to the kingdom of darkness. In the night, in his dream, the girl appeared to him and informed him he had been initiated into witchcraft. He was then asked to shed blood and he was given powers to do so. Through witchcraft, he killed eight members of his family including his father through accident and their blood went to empower the alter of the devil and that is how he was promoted from one level to another as he carried out assignment after assignment for the devil.
“Many sicknesses you see today are not natural. There is nobody that God created with sickness but you find many children who are born with sickness. Where do these sicknesses come from? Sickness or disease – we call it ‘gift’ in the kingdom of darkness. When we identify a person as our target, they will order you, "go and give this or that person a gift." That gift could be fibroid, cancer, blindness, tuberculosis, highblood, AIDS, hynia, gout, etc. These sicknesses are given through physical gifts and through dreams when people are sleeping. I will still advise the people – it’s not everyone that offers you a gift that you should accept. Many of the gifts we give to you physically are spiritually poisoned, a point of contact whereby when you take it to your house or put it on your body as clothes or eat it as food, it will affect you.
“I can change from male to female, both physically and spiritually. When they have monitored somebody and want me to get them, they will come to me physically to give me an instruction. You and I could be conversing, and they are giving me instructions – but you will not see it. That is why an agent of darkness, you will just be discussing with him but he will be absent minded, not paying attention to what you are saying. You will think they are thinking of something, but they are busy listening to their master giving them instruction.
“For example, they know your girlfriend. Every girlfriend you have – they know her. I will transform into a replica of your girlfriend and come to you physically. The appearance will be exactly the same. Spiritually, they will make sure your girlfriend can’t turn up. She can’t come that way when you are there sleeping with him. I will then collect his sperms and submit into the kingdom of darkness. That’s how I can initiate men as well.
“In the kingdom of darkness, you can initiate someone in the dream. You will just observe – there’s somebody sleeping with you, having an affair in the dream. The appearance of the person they will bring will be familiar to you – maybe an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. You just use their image to go to him or her...
“We also go to the beach or swimming pool – it’s another point of initiation. Before you will be convinced to go there, there is something they have planted in that water. When you are swimming, water penetrates into your system. Your skin is open. So the things that have been planted there will be transferred into your skin and it will affect your blood system. Immediately you come into the water, the agents of darkness are monitoring you from their kingdom. In the spiritual realm, it’s like they are baptising you. The more I initiate people, the more it increases my position.
“To bring down a zealous Christian, we will make sure we first weaken him or her. We will make him get tired, exhausted and he will not pray before he sleeps. Before that, we will tempt the person to commit sin. We can push the him to drink alcohol. Sometimes we will manipulate a Christian to enter into a beer parlour – he will get there and take only one bottle of beer but you will find him more intoxicated than the rest of the people. That bottle he drank is not one bottle. Our agent was there who took all the drinks others were drinking and put it into that person’s belly. In this state, he commits the sin of drunkenness. He has gone against his God and he did not pray for forgiveness before he slept. In the night while he is asleep, we will appear in his dream and initiate him. Then you will see him growing colder and colder in his Christianity. Things he used to condemn, he begins to accept them. His prayer life becomes weaker and weaker. This is how we overcome zealous but non-committed Christians.
Other tactics we use to lure a Christian to sin is to cause obstacles in his life and this will push him to blaspheme God in anger, or we will make him develop a high sense of pride in himself, or we will bring some strikingly beautiful women around him to manipulate him, to seduce him. Where do these girls come from? The kind of lady that comes into your office - she begins to seduce you. You go out and ease yourself. Before you come back, what has she done in your office? You will be pushed to lock the door and commit fornication with her in your office and you will say nobody has seen you. When you close the door of your office, do you close the eyes of God? No. You have sinned against God and this gives us access to afflict you with disappointment or disease or calamity. How? Because when you sin, the fire of protection God has placed around you to prevent the devil from attacking you is diminished and this gives the us access to afflict you. My advise to Christians is to stop committing sin. Sin opens the door of affliction... (To be continued)

Monday, November 17, 2014


Mark 11:24 says ”Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
Today, we look into a topic I have heard over and over again. When people called me, some of them start with the world I have prayed and fasted even attended crusade of mega churches but the problem stand still. Brethren, a person may be his own enemy and still be praying for God to destroy his enemy (himself). There are times when you pray and you are putting your own prayers in bondage and whatever that is in bondage cannot bring any result.
1. When you are praying but there is no righteousness in your prayer. James 5:16
Righteous in prayer is
- be specific in your request
- pray according to the word of God. (Whatever you can't see in the bible don't ask God)
- trust God that he can do it.
- follow the biblical principle of seed sowing
- be positive in your thinking
- guard your heart and mind against evil thought.
2. When you are praying without faith. Heb. 11:6
Faith in prayer is:
- knowing God has done it even before you start praying.
- identifying that once you ask you receive
- knowing God answers prayer in differs ways
- God is bigger than the problem and the problem is from devil so darkness vanishes when light comes.
- knowing you have received even when it has not manifested.
I prayed with a sister yesterday who said something is moving in her stomach and she has done everything without any improvement so I prayed with her and the pain stopped but when I ask her about it she replied it has stopped for now. That is faithlessness, she ought to have replied it has vanished forever, that is faith so I give her a little teaching on faith and this morning she didn't feel the pain again.
3. When you don't thank God for every little thing He has done for you. 1 Thess. 5:18
To give thanks means;
- you appreciate God for what He has done, what He will do and what He is doing.
- to thank Him in advance for your request.
- to always let Him know you trust Him
4. When you don't know the scripture that back up your prayers. Every prayer you must pray must have a scriptural back up and as a matter of fact whatever you can not find in the promise of God you should not pray it at all. Make your prayers statement of faith according to scriptural promises.
5. Not praying in Jesus name. I once told a minister of God that we are to worship God and pray to God through His son Jesus (John 16:23) as oppose what he has taught his church that Christians are only to worship Jesus. We pray to God not Jesus n neither did Jesus told His disciples to worship Him.
Smith Wigglesworth once said ” if you pray 7x for any one thing, you have pray 6x in unbelief.
I pray for you that in anyway you have put your own prayers in bondage the Lord God shall deliver you and such bondage shall be broken in Jesus name.
You can contact Pastor Amos on +2348188864503 or send inbox msg on fb for healing prayers, deliverance, counselling n spiritual assistance.
You can also send friend request to Evang Oluwanifemi Amos on fb.