Monday, November 17, 2014


Mark 11:24 says ”Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
Today, we look into a topic I have heard over and over again. When people called me, some of them start with the world I have prayed and fasted even attended crusade of mega churches but the problem stand still. Brethren, a person may be his own enemy and still be praying for God to destroy his enemy (himself). There are times when you pray and you are putting your own prayers in bondage and whatever that is in bondage cannot bring any result.
1. When you are praying but there is no righteousness in your prayer. James 5:16
Righteous in prayer is
- be specific in your request
- pray according to the word of God. (Whatever you can't see in the bible don't ask God)
- trust God that he can do it.
- follow the biblical principle of seed sowing
- be positive in your thinking
- guard your heart and mind against evil thought.
2. When you are praying without faith. Heb. 11:6
Faith in prayer is:
- knowing God has done it even before you start praying.
- identifying that once you ask you receive
- knowing God answers prayer in differs ways
- God is bigger than the problem and the problem is from devil so darkness vanishes when light comes.
- knowing you have received even when it has not manifested.
I prayed with a sister yesterday who said something is moving in her stomach and she has done everything without any improvement so I prayed with her and the pain stopped but when I ask her about it she replied it has stopped for now. That is faithlessness, she ought to have replied it has vanished forever, that is faith so I give her a little teaching on faith and this morning she didn't feel the pain again.
3. When you don't thank God for every little thing He has done for you. 1 Thess. 5:18
To give thanks means;
- you appreciate God for what He has done, what He will do and what He is doing.
- to thank Him in advance for your request.
- to always let Him know you trust Him
4. When you don't know the scripture that back up your prayers. Every prayer you must pray must have a scriptural back up and as a matter of fact whatever you can not find in the promise of God you should not pray it at all. Make your prayers statement of faith according to scriptural promises.
5. Not praying in Jesus name. I once told a minister of God that we are to worship God and pray to God through His son Jesus (John 16:23) as oppose what he has taught his church that Christians are only to worship Jesus. We pray to God not Jesus n neither did Jesus told His disciples to worship Him.
Smith Wigglesworth once said ” if you pray 7x for any one thing, you have pray 6x in unbelief.
I pray for you that in anyway you have put your own prayers in bondage the Lord God shall deliver you and such bondage shall be broken in Jesus name.
You can contact Pastor Amos on +2348188864503 or send inbox msg on fb for healing prayers, deliverance, counselling n spiritual assistance.
You can also send friend request to Evang Oluwanifemi Amos on fb.

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