The reason many churches are not growing is because of disobedience to the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus did not tell all the world to go into the church and hear the Gospel, but he told the church to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15.
However, what most of the churches are doing today is that, just as the spider builds its cobweb, and sits in it, expecting preys to be trapped in it so that it could feed on them, so also instead of going out as commanded by the Lord Jesus, most of the churches spent a lot of money building up gigantic buildings, and sit in them, hoping that sinners will just walk in and be converted.
May God help all believers to understand that we don't just need to sit in our churches, hoping that sinners will come in and be saved, but we have to go out into all the world, and take the Gospel to the sinners so that they could hear it and be saved in Jesus name. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.
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