Tuesday, September 6, 2016


The first evidence that you are in assignment is the Battle that you attract. When David killed Goliath, Saul was after him. When Jesus launched ministry, the Pharisees and Sadducees were after him. When Jeremiah prophesied, Pashur was after him. Every man under assignment will fight three battles.
1. Accusations
2. Frustrations
3. Inner circle battle
The secret of victory is to continue in assignment. Dogs never bark at parked cars. Pirates never capture empty vessels. A tree with fruits attract stone throwers... Just remember when the devil cannot fight you, he fights what is around you or uses the people around you to fight you. Hmmmmm ( Using the people around you to fight against you is very Common,  God help us all)
Don't forget a cow that feeds a whole village is always quiet but a hen that lays one egg makes the most noise. Silence is the greatest weapon in battles of significance. ​​
But in all these:  I see u going higher &  higher, from Glory to Glory in Jesus Mighty Name.( AMEN & SHARE)
Prayer line  +2348169531899
Watsap line +2818842428793
Website: http://okeogborideministries.com

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