Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Dearly beloved, if you find yourself in this group, know that God brought you here as believers who are beloved, so that we could encourage ourselves. Remember, Iron sharpeneth iron, Proverbs 27:17.
The reason why the world is deteriorating in evil, is because evil people are not shy, but are spreading evil like wildfire even to those who didn't request them. But when it comes to the children of God, those who call themselves children of God cannot even associate with their fellow believers, not to talk of sharing God's word with them.
Thus, if you are too holy, don't stay away from other believers by leaving groups like this, instead, use your holiness to share God's word here, and you may encourage someone whose faith has become weak.
Therefore, fellow believers, wake up, shape up, and clean up today because Jesus is coming soon, and may God help us to be encouragers in Jesus name. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too. Shalom!!!

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