Wednesday, December 30, 2015


A young woman, who was so much worried about the insurgencies, brutality and murder, happening in the Middle-East, haven thought about her own insecurity and being concerned about what might happen to her, decided to get a gun for her self protection, and she always carry this gun fully loaded anywhere she goes.
But for five months since she began carrying this gun, nothing happened. However, in the sixth month, she went to local store as usual, bought what she wanted, and when she came back to the parking lot, she found out that four men were sitting in a care that looked exactly like hers.
This woman, without any question stared at these men and screamed at them, "What are you guys doing in my car, will you guys get out of my car? These guys being surprised by her actions wanted to ask questions, but this woman reached down into her bag, pulled out a gun, pointed at them, and ordered them to leave her car, and these guys had no choice but to run for their dear lives, and the woman followed them to make sure that they leave the area.
When the smoke was clear, this woman came back only to find out that this very car was not her car, and that her own car that looked exactly as this very car, was three cars away from this very car in which those guys were sitting. The woman then regretted her actions, and drove her car away.
Morale lessons about this scenario:
* Because she carried a gun, she was not careful enough to check and make sure that the car in question was not hers.
* Because she has a gun, she did not care to listen to what the guys have to say.
* Because she has a gunn, she took laws into her hands
* Now, If she did not carry a gun, she would be patient enough to ask questions, and all those dangerous and life-threatening actions would be prevented.
Thus, with this scenario, do you still think that ordinary people should have a gun? I think it is better not to have a gun,  so that everyone could live peaceably with each other. May God help us in Jesus name. You are so much blessed. 

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