Tuesday, December 8, 2015


A young beautiful lady recently changed her profile picture on Facebook to a well-dressed GOAT. Even though the goat looked nice, very soon, people started laughing as they made their funny comments about the picture. When the lady could no longer endure, she asked, why are you people laughing? Then in my response, I told her that people are laughing because you are not a GOAT, whereas you used a goat to represent yourself. The lady then changed back her profile picture from that of a goat to a very nice picture of herself. The funny comments then stopped, instead, she started receiving compliments, and she became happy again.

Therefore, everyone should know this very important FACT, your profile picture represents YOU, not any other person or thing, and no matter how you like a person, an image or thing, they cannot be you. You are just you, and you are very unique.

Thus, whenever you post anything on Facebook or anywhere, the picture that should be by the side of your post should be YOUR VERY OWN PICTURE, not the picture of your husband or wife, or even your children, or any flower, animal, object or thing, it should not be anything that is not you because what stands by your message represents who you are. Or, how does it feel if you post a very beautiful massage, and a goat bearing your own name stands by that message?

Therefore, let's use Facebook wisely by putting the right profile picture on our walls. All other pictures could go on the cover picture. It's only scammers and fraudulent people who don't want to reveal their identities that always use someone else picture whenever they post anything. So, change any profile picture that is not you today to a very nice picture of yourself. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, Psalm 139:14. You are so much blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

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