Thursday, December 17, 2015


As we celebrate this Christmas, we continue to look at the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus. I've heard sometimes ago that only the wise men were those who went to seek Jesus when he was born, but I want you to know that everybody still seek Jesus. Both wise people as well as foolish, evil and ignorant people still seek Jesus till today. However, what determines whether somebody is wise or foolish, evil and ignorant, is what you want to do with Jesus whenever you find him.

Matthew 2:1-8 says that when Jesus was born, those who are wise from the east came looking for him so they could worship him. But at the same time, King Herod also looked for him so he could kill him. Even today, whether you know it or not, people are operating in these two categories as far as the Lord Jesus Christ is concerned. Wise people are seeking Jesus to worship and serve him, and ignorant people are seeking Jesus in order to kill him, just as what those wicked and ignorant people are doing to Christians now. Yes, when you persecute any child of God, you persecute Jesus, and when you do what Jesus says, you serve and worship him.

Therefore, all you wise people who are seeking him to worship him, Know that Jesus is the light of the world, and may this great light shine in all your dark places in Jesus name. Please note this very fact, that those who looked for Jesus to destroy him were not able to destroy him because he is indestructible. Thus, it's time for them to stop the persecution of Christians, because no amount of persecution will be able to put out the light of Christ, and as for you who know him and seek to worship him, because you are hidden in Jesus Christ, no weapon that is formed or fashioned against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgement, you shall condemn, for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord. Have a merry Christmas and remain blessed. Jesus loves yo and I do too.

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