Monday, September 1, 2014


Do you know that in a normal situation, the wife is supposed to submit to her husband, and the husband is to love his wife and be not bitter against her, as recorded in Colossians 3:18-19?
Why then do love disappear from a marriage, giving rise to hatred and quarrels? Love disappears from a marriage because some evil spirits sneak in and penetrate into that relationship.
Sure, all married couples and those intending to marry should understand that some evil spirits have declared war against marriages, and as a result, every unwanted action, evil behavior or quarrel that occurs in a marriage happens because some evil spirits penetrate into any marriage where the couples involved are not prayerful and watchful, therefore, there's need to save the marriages from the actions of those evil spirits.
So, how do you know that evil spirits are operating in a marriage? Know that evil spirits are not physical beings and people can not see them, as such people do not know when they enter into their relationship, however, you'll know that they are present in any relationship by the actions of the individuals involved. These evil spirits sneak into the heart unknowingly, and begin to erase the vital ingredient that holds every relationship and marriage, which is LOVE, replacing it with hatred, disrespect, distrust, etc. And Like I said earlier, love is supposed to be the bedrock of every marriage, but when you find yourself in a situation, where your wife or your husband, who at a point in time was your "honey," “sugar in your tea,” or “The apple of your eyes,” now turns out to be a “Thorn in your flesh,” and you begin to hear words like, “who do you think you are? “I’ll show you,” “I can’t take it anymore! Etc and etc. then, understand that evil spirits are in operation, and some marriages then end up in divorce.
What should you do when this happens? Once you notice that love is no longer present in your marriage, quickly destroy and cast out those evil spirits by the blood of Jesus Christ, through prayer that will bring down the power of the Holy Spirit. In Luke 10:19 Jesus said, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you,”
Thus, check the love level of your marriage everyday to make sure it remains high, and you will save your marriage from the power and effects of evil spirits. May God give you the power and necessary wisdom to know when those evil spirits sneak into your marriage, so that you could overcome them in Jesus name. Enjoy your marriage dear. You are blessed. Jesus loves you and I do too.

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