Saturday, September 13, 2014


Psalm 119:105 says ” Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. "
I have met with a lot of believers in my daily life and in this ministry. I have seen some who have been completely captured by the sweet well organised speeches of their Pastors on Sunday and others who are completely confused.
A sermon proof christian is one who hears the word of God but d word is not active in his life. He spend all his day in the church but yet didn't understand d word of God.
A sermon proof Christian is not interested in the word of God. All their interested in is the miracle.
At times, I smile inside when people called me on phone, some will start by saying I have read all d testimony u posted n that is y I am calling.
They are interested in d miracle not d person doing it ( Jesus ). This is one of the majors reasons some will never have testimony until they change their motive n seek God for only d purpose of knowing Him only n He will now bombard u with testimonies.
1. They act as if they know more than the preach
2. They may be listening but they are not gaining anything cos their mind is divided.
3. They are always looking for mistake in d sermon instead of learning.
4. They are blinded by fake doctrines.
I know of a pastor who warn his member not to have anthing to so with another church n if they do it is a sin. Is this biblical?
5. Want u to preach what they want not what holy spirit want.
6. They never improve in their giving, spiritual life and other aspect of their life.
7. They criticize every error of the preacher n want to dominate.
I am praying for you; every power that has made up seeking after man instead of God shall die in Jesus name, Amen.

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