Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Baatee Pagos Kpegediba Wrote:
Pastor my friend advised me to use love
portion on my un-loving man, she said
she did same on her man and they are
now happy together. She also said that
prayers take long. Please pastor, I don’t
want to use love portion but I can’t wait
till God answers me because I have been
praying and waiting and no difference.
Why does God delay?
I couldn’t answer that question in clear
terms till I noticed how easy it is to build
a sand house. No digging, no cements
and it can be finished in a day without
sweat. This is the type of house the devil
would build for you; a house you’ll get that
same day you asked; a house that would
soon fall and bury you underneath.
God delays because He is building a
deep, cemented foundation for His
answers to your prayers. In other to build
a real house, you first dig down before you
build up. During the digging down, nobody
from far would notice that anything is
What you get fast, you lose fast. Soon that
love portion would fade and fail and her
man would so hate her for using magic on
him. (Witchcraft is not only sucking blood
but using means to make people do what
you want and not what they want to do).
God is the master builder; He starts first in
digging down before building up. If you’ve
asked God for anything, God first builds
the foundation for such thing before
erecting it.
If you are seeing no erection over your
prayers, know that God is working first on
the foundation; a work you wont notice its
Every person that ever got breakthrough
persevered and hoped and prayed and
believed and kept on believing and
continued to believe.
If there is no building going on on your
life, know that God is still working on the
foundation. No prayer goes unanswered.
For every one who asks receives, and he
who seeks finds, and to him who knocks
it will be opened. Matt. 7:8
When the foundation is taking long, then
it’s a big house that God is about building
for you if you can hold on. God does not
delay and He is always right on time.
God bless you.
Sincerely, I love you

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